Winter/Spring 2023 Little Churches

Contact us via phone or email to learn more! 


Download Schedule


5:00pm - Bayvon Lake Little Church

Skip and Laura Sant, Leaders
Begins 9/18 - Bi-Weekly

Meets at various homes in Avon Lake, Avon, and Bay Village. This Little Church will be studying Season 3 of “The Chosen.” They watch an episode of the series and discuss it. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Laura Sant at or 440.387.7968.
(Less Commitment)


7:00am - Men's Little Church

Gene Sherman - Leader
Begins 9/13 - Weekly for 12 Weeks; (11 weeks in the Spring)

This Little Church is for men on the go and is easily accessible via Zoom. This year we will be studying God’s Word through the book “Gentle and Lowly, Pt. 2” by Dane Orlund. Christians can easily feel that Jesus is perpetually disappointed and frustrated, maybe even close to giving up on them. They know what Christ has done for them 15but who is he? How does he feel about his people amid all their sins and failures? In Matthew 11, Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. This book reflects on his words, diving deep into Bible passages that speak of Christ’s affections for sinners and encouraging believers as they journey, weary and faltering, toward heaven. 
(Mid-Level Commitment)


9:00am - Women's Little Church

Linda Jackson, Leader
Begins 1/24 - Weekly for 10 Weeks

This Little Church will meet weekly at CCW in the Hearth Room from 9:00-10:30 AM. This winter, they will be studying a book entitled, “Gentle & Lowly” by Dane Orlund with the video series. The video series is arranged into 10 sessions that correspond to questions in the study guide. This book draws us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. The gospel flows from God’s deepest heart for his people, a heart of tender love of Christ for his people--for the sinful and the suffering. These chapters dive deep into Bible passages that speak of who Christ is and encourage readers with the affections of Christ for his people. Please contact Linda Jackson at ljack2328@ with any questions or concerns. 
(Mid-Level Commitment)


10:30am - Wednesday Little Church

Gene Sherman, Leader
Begins 2/1 - Weekly

This Little Church meets weekly* at CCW in our Sanctuary. Within the context of a Communion service, this group studies the passage of the previous Sunday in detail using the Scripture Union questions for Bible Study.

*Meets at Knickerbocker Apartments (27100 Knickerbocker Road, Bay Village) the third Wednesday of every month.
(Less Commitment)


7:00pm - RML - Read, Mark, Learn Little Church

Gene Sherman, Leader
Begins 1/25 - Weekly

This Little Church meets weekly* in the Hearth Room. This winter/spring, they will be focusing on The Book of Acts, Part 1. The 11-week curriculum walks through the first half of the Book of Acts—the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured, and the Church of God is multiplied. Witness a crucial moment in the history of our faith as the Gospel goes out against great odds and the Church takes root. *(Will not meet on 2/22, 4/5, and 4/12.) 
(High Level Commitment)


Tuesday & Thursday

Community Bible Study (CBS): 

CBS Cleveland West Class is a women's interdenominational Bible study with nursery and pre-school programs available during the main, in-person class session for registered class members. Our main, in-person class is held on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. at New Hope Church (22960 Lorain Road, Fairview Park), beginning after Labor Day and running through early May. There is a Thursday morning online-only option as well. In addition, we have a Tuesday evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in-person group that meets at Bay Presbyterian Church (25415 Lake Road, Bay Village) and a Tuesday evening online-only option. This year, we will study Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers in a course titled, "From the Red Sea to the Jordan River." This study highlights that the Lord our God has a plan, knows each of us by name, is a promise keeper, and shows bountiful mercy! Cost for the year is $35 and includes guided study books with detailed commentaries. The children's program cost is $10 per child for the year. Scholarships are available!

For more information and to register, visit or contact Stacey Litzler at

    We have three levels of commitment in our Little Churches, there’s something for everyone:

    • Less Commitment - No reading required ahead of meeting.

    • Mid-Level - Moderate reading required ahead of meeting.

    • High Level - 1 hour minimum per week of reading and study required ahead of meeting

    Get in Touch

     (440) 899-7151

    726 Avon Belden Road
    Avon Lake, OH 44012

    Our Sunday service time (effective 06/02/2024):
    10:00am Communion Services

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